Doctor Hadi Antoun Dental surgeon
Last Update: 3 April 2014
FormationExpérience professionnelleSociétés ScientifiquesPublicationsConférences |
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Medical association registration N° : 44592
- 1998-2000: Diplôme Universitaire d’Implantologie Chirurgicale et Prothétique, Université Paris VII
- 1990-1992: Certificat d’Implantologie, Misch Implant institute, Pittsburgh, USA
- 1986-1988: Certificat d’Etudes Supérieures, Biologie Orale et Parodontologie, Université Paris VII
Expérience Professionnelle
- 1993 à 2005 Attaché de l’Unité d’Implantologie, Garancière, l’Université Paris VII.
- Exercice privée limitée à la Parodontologie et à l’Implantologie.
- Comité de rédaction, Journal de parondotonlogie & d’Implantologie orale.
- Comité de rédaction, Revue Odonto Stomatologique.
Sociétés Scientifiques
- Prix du meilleur conférencier SOP/Dentsply Maillefer
- Vice President, Société Française d’Implantologie
- President of IFCIA (Advanced Implant Surgery Training Institute)
- Past president, Cercle Franco-Libanais d’Implantologie et de Parodontologie
Member of Société Odontologique Parisienne
- Active Member at Association Française d’Implantologie
- Active member at Academy of Osseointegration (USA)
- Active member at European Association of Osseointegration
- Affiliate member at European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
- La régénération osseuse guidée: résultats, limites et perspectives.Article publié par EDP sciences février 2013
- Le secteur postérieur mandibulaire greffes d’apposition verticales. JPIO Nov 2012 , 289-305
- Augmentation sinusienne maxillaire avec de l’hydroxyapatite bivine et pose différée d’implants : étude rétrospective. (ROS) Revue d’odonto stomatologie . Nov 2012
- Greffe sinusienne bilatérale avec de l’hydroxyapatite bovine ou du bêta tcp , en association avec du prp : un rapport de cas. Implantologie Mai 2012, 5-15
- La chirurgie Guidée simulée par ordinateur et sans lambeau – Hors série. Les nouvelles technologies.
- Book novembre 2011 on « Sinus bone grafting in Implantology », CDP Editions, Wolters Kluwer.
- God Save the Seniors- Editorial N° 30 – the l’Information Dentairemagazine September 2010
- Immediate loading and temporization after tooth extraction special issue – Revue Titane 2009
- Computer Aided and Guided Flapless Surgery – Special Issue. Les Nouvelles Technologies
- The joint abutment- implant: influence on the marginal osseous stability. Journal de Parodontologie et d’Implantologie Orale – Vol.28 N°3. June 2009
- Risk factors in implantology : what’s new ? – Clinic- Vol.39. October 2008
- Immediate replacement of a second incisor. L’Information Dentaire – N°33 – October 2008
- Bilateral Sinus Graft With Either Bovine Hydroxyapatite or beta Tricalcium Phosphate, in Combination with Platelet-Rich Plasma: a case report. Implant Dent. 2008 sept; 17 (3): 350-9
- Guest Editor in Chief. First steps of immediate loading to the guided surgery. Journal de Parodontologie & Implantologie Orale- Vol. 27 N°1 February 2008 (Second Part)
- Precision of Guided Implant Surgery Analysis. Journal de Parodontologie & Implantologie Orale -Vol. 27 N°1. February, 2008 (2nd Part)
- Guest Editor in Chief. First steps of immediate loading to the guided surgery. Journal de Parodontologie & Implantologie Orale Vol. 26 N°4. November 2007 (First Part)
- Morbidity of the symphysis bone harvesting- Implant – Volume 13 Issue 4-2007
- Extraction, Immediate loading and temporization in the aesthetic sectors Revue de la littérature. Journal de Parodontologie & Implantologie Orale -Vol.26 N°4. November, 2007
- Poster: All-on-four/All-on-six: immediate function concept for completely edentulous patients. World Conference Las Vegas 2007
- Poster: Smile restitution a case report. World Conference Las Vegas 2007.
- Sinus Graft : follow up and complications. L’information Dentaire 2007 ; 23 :1327-1331
- Immediate Implant Loading on completely edentulous mandible with “Noble Guide” concept. Alpha Oméga 2007;107:10-11
- Book : co-author :” Bone Augmentation in Oral Implantology”, Quintessence 2007
- Poster: Immediate loading of four or six implants on fully edentulous patients. Zurich EAO 2006
- Implant treatment of completely edentulous patients. Titane 2006 ; 1 : 44-49
- Restoration of a smile. L’Information Dentaire2006; 39: 2501-2511
- Poster World Tour Paris, Nobel Biocare, Paris June 14-16th, 2006: “Immediate loading on a complete edentulous patient with the concept ” All-on-4” Or ” All-on-6”: retrospective Study. ·
- New approach of the treatment of complete edentulous patient. Immediate function and concept “All-on 4 “. Clinic 2005; 26 457-528
- 10 key points in implantology, Bone Augmentation in the upper maxillary: les soulèvements et comblements de sinus.. 2005; 56-61
- What strategy to adopt when you face a damaged tooth: preserve it or replace it by an implant? Revue d’Odonto Stomatologie 2005 ; 34: 21-37
- Maxillary sinus grafting : autogenous bone or bovine hydroxyapatite? Journal de Parodontologie et d’Implantologie Orale 2004; 24: 13-21
- Precision and control of master models in implantology: prevent the failure (implant rejection). Alternatives 2004; 24: 63 – 70
- Specificities of the asepsis in implant surgery. Alternatives 2004; 22: 11-16
- Summer’s Osteotomes : an alternative to the lateral wall for the sinus lift? 2003 Implantodontie; 12: 3-9
- Symphysis Bone Harvesting. Study of morbidity. Information Dentaire 2003; 85: 2437-2445
- Participation to the writing of the white book on “Oral Implantology ” published by the ADF in 2003
- Point on Plasma Rich Platelet (PRP). Alternatives 2003; 19: 59 – 63
- Point on the aesthetic constraints in implantology. Alternatives 2003; 18: 37-44
- The concept Same-Day-Teeth about a clinical case. Alpha Omega News on 2002; 74: 15
- Immediate loading to avoid the complete denture for the complete mandibular edentulous patient. Alternatives 2002; 16: 39-45
- Point on maintenance in implantology. Alternatives 2002; 13: 53 – 58
- Sinus lift by means of osteotomes. 2002 Implantodontie; 8: 161 – 174
- A prospective randomized study compring two techniques of bone augmentation: onlay graft alone or associated with a menbrane. Clinic Oral Impl Res 2001;12,:632-639
- The replacement of a first lower molar: bridge or implant? Alternatives 2001; 12: 69 – 72
- Symphysis bone graft. Synerie Plus 2001 ;7 :21
- Point on osseous grafting associated with dental implants. Alternatives 2001;11:33-43
- Site of osseous harvesting and alveolar pre implant reconstructions Implant 2000 ; 6 : 257 – 267
- Point on screwed and cemented prothesis. Alternatives 2000 ; 8 : 63 – 70
- Peri-implant soft tissue: resemblance or difference? Information Dentaire on 2000; 30: 2247 – 2252
- Return to the Laboratory: specific manipulations for implant prosthesis. Le Chirurgien Dentist de France 2000; 70: 29-34.
- Clinical case: a posterior maxillary tooth missing; implant or conventional bridge. Alternatives 2000; 5: 42-44.
- Oseointegration and one surgical step: the choice factors. Bränemark System Info 1999; 5: 5-7
- Complete mandibular endutulous cases. Alternatives 1999 ; 3 : 27 à 32
- Soft tissue management around the implant: integration in the chronology of the treatment Journal de parodontologie 2000; 19: 59 – 71
- Critical analysis of 2 implant systems submerged and non submerged. information Dentaire on 1999; 81: 753-761
- Implant placement in one step or two steps: what is the best solution? Les Cahiers de l’ ADF on 1999; 2 10-15
- Short span edentulous sites. Alternatives 1999 ; 1 : 56 – 63
- Autogenous intra oral bone grafts: principles, benefits and applications in implantology. 1999 Implantodontie; 28: 47 – 52
- Implantology Column. Le Chirurgien Dentiste de France1998 ; 68 :16
- Clinical Case. Osseous reconstruction by autogenous bone before implant placement . Le Chirurgien Dentiste de France 1998; 878 31 – 34
- Implantology Column. Le Chirurgien DentistLe Chirurgien Dentist of France 1998 ; 68 : 30
- Aesthetic oriented implant surgery. Tribune Dentaire 1997 ; 5 : 3-9
- Guided Bone Regeneration combined or not to autogenous bone. Implant 1996; 2 31-44
- Novelties in osseous surgery. Alpha Omega News on 1996; 20: 24
- Bars and snaps on at the mandibule. The various techniques and the stages of treatment. information Dentaire 1996; 24 1774-1775
- Crestal augmentation by bone graft taken from the symphysis. Journal de Parodontologie 1995; 14: 285 – 294
- Autogenous graft taken from the chin. Tribune Dentaire 1994 ; 2 : 23
- Can we anticipate nowadays what triggers periodontal diseases? l Information Dentaire 1991; 73 59-69
Formation / Expérience professionnelle / Sociétés Scientifiques / Publications / Conférences
- 13 et 14 Juin 2013, Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée,«2 journées sur la mise en charge immédiate,théorie et chirurgie en direct », Paris.
- 23 mai 2013, Société Odontologique Parisienne (SOP), travaux pratiques, prothèses sur implants, Paris.
- 2 et 3 Mai 2013,Osteology, Comment prévenir et éviter les greffes de sinus, Monaco
- 13 avril 2013, Euroteknica, Congrés internationnal d’implantologie, Chamonix.
- 11 avril 2013, Société Odontologique Parisienne (SOP), travaux pratiques,Aménagement des défauts osseux et muqueux modérés, Paris.
- 28 et 29 mars 2013 , Institue de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée, « 2 journées sur les Greffes Osseuses, théorie et chirurgie en direct », Paris.
- 31 janvier et 1er février 2013, Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée, « 2 journées sur la Mise en Charge Immédiate, théorie et chirurgie en direct », Paris.
- January 20th and 21st, 2011, Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée, ” 2 days on Immediate Loading , theory and live surgery “, Paris.
- January 28 th 2011, Implant University Degree « Branemark System Surgery principles », Strasburg
- February 5th 2011, Société Aquitaine de Parodontologie et Implantologie Orale ” Immediate loading and Bone grafts “, Bordeaux.
- March 24th and 25th 2011 , Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée,” 2 days on bone grafts, theory and live surgery “, Paris.
- 8 & 9 April Société Tunisienne d’Implantologie et de Dentisterie Esthétique, Complete edentulous case Treatment : immediate or deferred implant placement, Tunis.
- From 14th to 16th April 2011, Ostéology, Management of atrophic posterior mandible, CANNES
- Mai 31st 2011, Implant treatment plans simplification, Paris
- November 24th and 25th, 2010, Association Dentaire Française (ADF), experts in bone grafts meeting .
- October 21st, 2010, Association des Cercles Odontostomatologiques des Yvelines (ACOSY), Conference “Anatomical Obstacles removal with the aim of Implants placements “
- 14th & 15th October 2010 , Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée,2 days on bone grafts, theory and live surgery “, Paris.
- 7h & 8th October 2010, Societié Odontologique de Paris, training course
- September 30th 2010, 46th conference ofSociété Française de Stomatologie et Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale
- September 24th 2010, Hands on laboratory session « immediate loading » in ROUEN
- July 16th 2010, 1rst medical conference in Lebanon, Beyrouth
- June 24th & 25th 2010, Conference in New York, Nobel
- June 16th 2010, Societé Odontologique de Paris, hands-on laboratory session, Maison de la Chimie, Paris
- June 10th & 11th 2010 , Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée,” 2 days on Immediate loading, theory and live surgery “, Paris.
- June 4th 2010, French-speaking Odontological days, University of Saint Joseph, immediate loading of prostheses on implants in the aesthetic areas , Beirut.
- May 21st 2010, Acosy, Anatomical obstacles in implantology, Yvelines
- April 21rst 2010 immediate placement of prostheses on implants in the aesthetic areas , Bangkok University, Thailand.
- March 25/26th , Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée,” 2 days on bone grafts, theory and live surgery “, Paris.
- March 12th 2010, University Degree,” immediate loading on implant and guided srugery “.
- March 11th 2010, Alpha Omega gala, « Immediate prosthesis placement on implant »
- February 17th 2010, University Degree from Cochin « immediate loading and guided surgery » Cochin Hospital, Paris
- January 28th & 29th 2010 , Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée,” 2 days on Immediate loading, theory and live surgery “, Paris.
- January 22nd 2010, Implantology University Degree, “ Branemark System surgical principles”, Strasburg
- January 14th 2010, Société Odontologique Parisienne (SOP), 2 live Implant surgical operations at the house of the chemistry, Paris
- January 8th 2010, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie , « bone grafts in implantology », Paris
- November 25th 2009, Association Dentaire Française (ADF), Conference, « when is it necessary to implant and how” Congress Hall, Paris
- November 3rd, 2009, University degree, Faculty of dental surgery, a Day on the osseous increases it implantology, Marseille.
- October 15th and 16th 2010 , Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée, ” 2 days on bone grafts, theory and live surgery “, Paris.
- October 1rst 2009, SOP conference, Scientific Manager in charge of the Laboratory class of prosthesis on implants, Paris.
- June 30th 2009, Association Universitaire d’ImplantologieAssociation Universitaire d’Implantologie, Lab work, Paris
- June 20th 2009, Sinus grafts, Tunisia
- April 2009, Garancier Parodontist Conference, Paris 7 : « immediate loading and Nobel Guide »
- March 2009, day on Nobel Active implant system, Paris
- March 2009 , Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée,” 2 days on bone grafts, theory and live surgery “, Paris.
- March 2009, Association Universitaire d’ImplantologieAssociation Universitaire d’Implantologie Lyon “prosthetic specificities of brânemark System.
- January 2009, International Master Course on Implantology, Paris: “Sinus Lift or filling and healing period or timeout”
- January 2009, Implant University Degree « Branemark System Surgery principles », Strasburg
- January 2009 , Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée,” 2 days on immediate loading “, Paris.
- January 2009, Association Universitaire d’ImplantologieAssociation Universitaire d’Implantologie Paris “osseous grafts in implantology”
- November 2008, Association Dentaire Française (ADF), , Congress hall, Paris « pre implant surgery : sinus Lift or filling » November 28th 2008
- November 2008, Association Dentaire Française (ADF), , Congress hall, Paris”immediate loading: Why?When? How?” President of the session
- November 2008, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris : »surgical aspects of Bränemark System”
- October 2008 , Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée,” 2 days on osseous grafts, theory and live surgery “, Paris.
- October 2008, President of the annual Meeting of the Association Française d’Implantologie
- July 2008, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie , Paris : live surgery and prothesis on implant
- June 2008 , Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée,” 2 days on immediate loading “, Paris.
- April 2008, day on Nobel Active implant system, Paris
- March 2008, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Lyon : “prosthetic specificities of Bränemark System”
- March 2008, Odontological meetings – Champagne-Ardennes Picardie “When the prosthesis guides the implant surgery”, Reims
- March 2008 , Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée,” 2 days on bone grafts, theory and live surgery “, Paris.
- March 2008, University Degree of Implantology, Lyon : « immediate loading and early implant placement”
- January 2008, University Degree of Implantology, Strasburg. “ Bränemark system surgical principals”
- January 2008, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris : “osseous grafts in implantology”
- December 2007, Forum de Competence, Geneva. ” News about the regeneration in implantology and oral surgery “
- November 2007, Association Dentaire Française (ADF), , Congress hall, Paris « implant surgery : The principles, the peculiarities and the limits ” – Two live surgeries (All-on-4 and Nobel Guide).
- November 2007, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris:”bränemark system surgical aspects”
- October 2007 – Barcelona – Implant survival in sinus lift augmentation with bovine hydroxyapatite 16 Th Annual Scientific Meeting.
- October 2007 – Barcelona – Implant survival in sinus lift augmentation with bovine hydroxyapatite 16 Th Annual Scientific Meeting.
- October 2007 When the prosthesis guides the implant surgery. Collège National de Prothèse
- October 2007 , Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée,” 2 days on osseous grafts, theory and live surgery “, Paris.
- September 2007, The Second Middle East Symposium in Dental Medicine, Turquie “ NobelGuide Computerized Planning and Guided Surgery
- July 2007, Academic Association of implatology, Paris : laboratory works, surgery and prosthesis on implants.
- June 2007, 17th dental day in Nice : « when the prothesis guides the surgery » .
- May 2007, World conference, Nobel Biocare, Las Vegas, USA. « Workshop Nobel Guide » One to one session.
- April 2007, Société française de chirurgie buccale, Geneva; “ Sinus Lift with Bio-Oss : immediate loading Period”.
- March 2007, Nobel Biocare, Courchevel « The osseous Reconstruction at the service of the aesthetics “.
- March 2007, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie Lyon « Prosthetic specificities of bränemark system”
- March 2007 Implant Surgery Advanced Training Institute ” 2 days on osseous grafts, theory and live surgery “.
- January 2007, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris:”osseous grafts in implantology”.
- November 2006,The Piedmontese Days of Surgery in Stomatology in Turin: ” how to manage the osseous deficits in implantology. “
- November 2006, Association Dentaire Française (ADF), : The tissular Savings in the passage to the total edentate phases “.
- November 2006, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris ”surgical aspects of Bränemark system”
- October 2006, Congrès Baden-Baden : » Extraction, immediate loading and loading in the completely edentulous patient « .
- October 2005 , Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée, ” 2 days on osseous grafts, theory and live surgery “.
- September, 2006, Nobel Biocare, Paris: concept of immediate placement in office ” All-on-4 Courts and Nobel Guide “.
- July 2005, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris ”loboratory work On surgery and prostheses on implants
- June 2006 World Tour Nobel Biocare, Paris “Implant treatment of the complete edentate with All-on-4 and Nobel Guide”
- May 2006, IV Simposio de la Sociedad Espanola de Cirurgia Bucal: ” last Progress of Immediate loading “
- April 2006, Nobel Biocare, Paris “Changing your everyday life thanks to Nobel Guide”.
- April 2006, Nobel Biocare, Paris “Changing your everyday life thanks to Nobel Guide”.
- March 2005, Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée, progress” 2 days on osseous grafts, theory and live surgery “.
- March 2006, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie ”prosthetic specificities of the great systems, Nobel Biocare system”
- March 2006, Nobel Biocare, Paris”treatment of the complete edentulous patient: how to optimize and simplify the treatment”
- April 2006, Nobel Biocare, Paris “Changing your everyday life thanks to Nobel Guide”.
- February 2006, Collège français d’implantologie, « Bränemark and Replace systems surgical aspects and Nobel Guide Concept”.
- January 2006, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris ”osseous Grafts”
- January 2006, University Degree of Implantology, Strasburg:” Bränemark system surgical aspects ”.
- November 2005, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris : ” Bränemark system surgical aspects ”.
- November 2005, University Degree of Periodontology, Paris 7:” immediate loading and All-on-4 concept”
- November, 2005, Association Dentaire Française , , ” In implantology, we can go today faster than the osseous biology? “
- November 2005, Association Dentaire Française, Chairman: ” implant in mandibular molars sectors, the therapeutic choices. “
- October 2005, Nobel Biocare, Milan : « immediate loading and all-on4 concept »
- October 2005, Nobel Biocare, Paris: ” how define the strategy of a treatment plan and for what results? “
- October 2005, Soirée correspondants: “ Implantology treatment plans”
- October 2005 , Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée,: “” 2 days on osseous grafts, theory and live surgery “.
- October 2005, Nobel Biocare, Marseille: aesthetic challenges for teeth and implants: global approach in everyday life”
- September, 2005, Nobel Biocare, Nantes: ” Immédiate Function and Aesthetics “
- August 2005, Lebanese Society of Periodontology, Libanon : « Immediate esthetics and function. Biological approach and new concepts »
- July 2005, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris : laboratory works, surgery and protheses on implants
- June, 2005, Société Odontologique Parisienne, Paris: ” prostheses on implants
- June, 2005, Coraill, Metz: ” did implantology eradicated the periodontology? “
- April 2005, Amsterdam : « Immediate function thru a new efficient treatment concept All-on-for »
- March 2005, Seminar on Implantology and Aesthetic Dentistry ( Nobel Biocare), Courchevel: ” treatment of the complete edentate patient: Current Data – Immediate loading with the protocol All one 4”
- March 2005, Aix Po, Aix en Provence, ” biology and technology Contribution to the improvement of implants achievements”
- March 2005, Claude Bernard Lyon I, Lyon University:” Immediate loading”
- January 2005, University Degree of Implantology, Strasburg : « surgical aspects of Bränemark system”
- December 2004, International Master Course Of Implantology, Paris :” Immediate function and All-on-4 concept new approach in the treatment of the complete edentulous patient”
- November 2004, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Garancière Paris:”Bränemark implants surgery”
- November 2004, Nobel Biocare : “ loboratory works of prostheses on implants”.
- November 2004, Association Dentaire Française, Paris: “ Mandibule: the implant solution”.
- November 2004, Association Dentaire Française (ADF), Paris : « bone grafts and filling (sinus filling) ».
- October, 2004, Nobel Biocare ” How to achieve an aesthetic result in implantology: techniques at the level of all “
- October, 2004, Cercle D’Etudes Dentaires et Stomatologiques de la côte d’Azur, villefranche-sur-Mer ” The management of the osseous defects in implantology: with or without membrane? Symphisis or Ramus? Autogene or MSO?
- European Association for Osseointegration, Paris : « Immediate loading and Branemark Novum conept : a retrospective multicentric study »
- July 2004, Acedemic Association of Implantology, Paris : Laboratory works , surgery and prostheses on implant
- June 2004 la Société Odonto-Stomatologique de Picardie, Rothondes: “the general practitioner pré-implant phase reflection”
- May, 2004, Cercle Franco-Libanais d’Implantologie et de Parodontologie, Paris ” the management of the osseous defects in implantology “
- January 2004, University Degree of Implantology, Strasburg : « Bränemark system surgical aspects”
- December 2003, Alpha Omega, Paris : « Implant and aesthetic »
- November 2003, Association Dentaire Française (ADF), : ” Periodontology and implantology surgery safety cost”
- November 2003, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Garancière Paris:”Bränemark implants surgery”.
- September 2003, Garancière Interviews, Paris : « teeth in one day thanks to Novum system”
- July 2003, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris : laboratory works surgery and prostheses on implants
- June 2003, Société Française de Parodontologie et d’Implantologie Orale de Paris : ” big diameters: why so much failure?
- June 2003, 7th odontological French-speaking days , Saint – Joseph University, Beirut: ” how to treat the previous sector in implantology with serenity? “
- June 2003, odontological French-speaking days VII , Saint – joseph University, Beirut:” Interest of the PRP Association in sinus bone grafts”
- May, 2003, Lausanne (Nobel Biocare): ” advanced Surgery: when, why, where and how to use GTR and GBR membranes “
- April, 2003, SFSCM, Montpelier: ” PRP association to the sinus bone grafts “
- April, 2003, SOP, Mauritius: ” how to treat the previous sector in implantology with serenity? “
- March 2003, CLIP, Nancy : « the immediate loading »
- March 2003, Société Française de Parodontologie et d’Implantologie Orale, Saint Malo: “ Osseaous onlay grafts ”
- March 2003, 20th International Days of the national college of odontology occlusion, Paris: ” premature (early) and immediate loading of prostheses on implants “
- January 2003, University Degree of Implantology, Strasburg : “Bränemark system surgical aspects”
- December 2002, International Master course of Implantology, Paris : “the PRP association to the osseous grafts interests”
- November 2002, Association Dentaire Française (ADF), , Paris : « Current Strategy of the implant surgery”
- October 2002, the American Dental Club of Paris:” Implant immediate placement”
- September 2002, European Association of Osseointegration, Brussels: « Bio Oss With or Without PRP»
- July 2002, Garancière « Loboratory works Bränemark system »
- July 2002, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris : laboratory works surgery and prostheses on implants.
- June 2002, Strasburg : « New approaches and factors of decision for immediate loading timing in implantologie”
- June 2002, Paris (Inava) : “Is it necessary to extract or to preserve? How to integrate it into our treatment plan in implantology? “
- May 2002, Société Française de Parodontologie et d’Implantologie Orale , Lyon: “The management of the osseous defects it implantologie”
- May 2002, Société Odontologique Parisienne, Paris « Prostheses on implants »
- March 2002, Courchevel : « A Prosthesis in one day : NOVUM concept »
- March 2002, Academy of Osseointegration, Dallas, 17th Annual Meeting « Retrospective Study comparing Sinus Lift Using ostéotome technique vs Lateral Approach »
- May 2002, Lausanne (Nobel Active) ” The various techniques of osseous augementation, When, Why, where and how to use membranes in GBR “
- November 2001, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris ” Implants a reliable therapeutics “
- November 2001, Société Française d’Implantologie, Paris : ” what to think of the immediate loading for bridges “
- October 2001 Association Française d’Implantologie: ” Evolution of the concepts of the implant placement “
- In October, 2001, Société Française de chirurgie buccale, Lille: ” a forward-looking randomized study comparing two techniques of osseous augmentation: the osseous autografts alone or associated with a membrane “
- September 2001, 27th Garancière Interviews, Paris : « prosthesis and implant »
- July 2001, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris : Laboratory works surgery and prosthesis on implants.
- May 2001, Société Odontologique Parisienne, Paris, à la carte laboratory work (studies) « Prostheses on implants »
- April 2001, Zermatt « Osseous augmentation methodology in implantology : assessment and prospective”
- July 2001, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris : laboratory works surgery and prothesis in implant »
- December 2000, International Master Course of Implantology, Paris : « immediate loading »
- November 2000, Association Dentaire Française (ADF), Paris « The prosthesis on implant key steps”
- October 2000, International Congress of Oral Implantlogy, World Congress XX, Monaco : « Two techniques of bone augmentation : onlay graft alone or associated to a membrane »
- October, 2000, Aix – Po, Aix en Provence: ” Reasoned Approaches of the immediate loading “
- October, 2000, Association Française d’Implantologie, Paris: ” increase of ridge by autgraft alone or associated to a non absorbable membrane”
- July 2000, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris: laboratory work surgery and prosthesis on implants
- May 2000, multidisciplinary Congress, Marrakesh: ” bone graft in implatology, chin bone taking – chin grafts “
- May 2000, Société Odontologique Parisienne, Paris, à la carte laboratory work « Prosthesis on implants »
- April 2000, 10th anniversary of the University Degree of surgical and prosthetic Implantology, Paris: ” evolution of the implant concept these last 10 years ” surgical Aspect ” “
- October 1999, 25th Garancière Interviews, Paris : « prostheses placed on ceramic implant Abutments »
- October, 1999, Association Odontologique de Montrouge: ” Implantology: immediate loading assessment and perspective “
- October, 1999, Association Française d’Implantologie, Paris: ” immediate loading “
- September, 1999, Société Française d’Implantologie, Paris: ” the general practitioner facing the prosthesis on implant “
- July 1999, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris : Laboratory works surgery and prosthesis on implants.
- May 1999, Sociéte Odontologique Parisienne, Paris, à la carte laboratory work: “ prosthesis on implant”.
- April 1999, European Association of osseointegration, Copenhagen : « Osseous augmentation using bone graft alone or associated to membrane »
- March 1999, Team Day Nobel Biocare, Paris: “the time factor in implantology”
- March 1999, , Dental Med 99, Paris : « bone autografts of chin origin »
- September 1998, 24th Garancières Interviews, Paris
- July 1998, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris : : Laboratory works surgery and prosthesis on implants.
- May 1998, Société Odontologique Parisienne, Paris:”prosthesis on implant”
- May 1998, Cannes : « membrane or small autografts. Which technique? For what result? »
- April, 1998, 2nd meeting Mediterranean of dentistry, Marrakesh: ” site intra-oral for reconstruction “
- March 1998, Société Française d’Implantologie, Paris: ” value your office thanks to the implantology: patients selection “
- November 1997, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris : « ITI implant surgery »
- November 1997, 2nd odontological days Rhone-Alpes, Lyon: “intra oral bone autografts “.
- September, 1997, 23rd Garancière Interviews, Paris: ” implant surgery with esthetic aim “
- June 1997, CIDC : « implantology laboratory works »
- May 1997, Sociéte Odontologique Parisienne, Paris:”prosthesis on implant”
- March 1997, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris : “ Bonefit prosthesis on implant”
- January 1997, University of Corsica, university Degree of implantology
- June 1996, Sociéte Odontologique Parisienne :”prosthesis on implant”
- December 1996, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris : “ Bonefit prosthesis on implant”
- November 1996, Société Française d’Implantologie, Paris « non buried implants »
- September 1996 : Société française de Dentisterie Esthétique, Paris : “ the Implantology, practical truth”
- September, 1996, 22nd Garancière Interviews, Paris: “Autografts, intra oral harvesting “
- October 1996, Association Universitaire d’Implantologie, Paris” The fundamental clinical questions: filling materials of animal, human, or synthetic origin? “
- October 1996, Martinets Private Hospital, Rueil Malmaison ” Definition of the osteointegration and surgical principles in implantology “
- June 1996, International Congress of Oral Implantology, World Meeting : « the contributions of GBR combined or not to an autogenous graft »
- June 1996, ICOI World Meeting, Monte Carlo, Monaco « The contributions of G.B.R.combined or not to an Autogenous Graft »
- January 1996, Société Française de Dentisterie Esthétique, Paris: “Bars and pressure buttons in the mandible: the various techniques and treatment steps”
- September, 1995, 21rst interviews of Garancière, Paris: “membrane placement and sinus filling”
- June 1995, 3rd odontological and french peaking days, Beyrouth.
- May 1995 : Société Odontologique Parisienne, Paris : « Prosthesis on implant »
- March 1995, Société Française d’Implantologie, Paris : ” Novelties in osseous surgery “
- March 1995, Marrakech: “Initiation into the implantology and into prostheses on implants laboratory works “